Mgo Board
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) board is a synthetic, insulating sheathing board. It is similar to gypsum and fiber cement boards, but with several improved characteristics such as fire-, pest- and mould resistance, weather ability and strength. It is used indoors and out for structural purposes such as walls and semi-structurally in flooring underlays. Paint, plaster and coverings such as wallpaper and tiles can be applied directly to the board, as it has excellent adhesive/bonding characteristics.
The composition of MgO Board consists of multiple layers – a surface layer on the outside of the board; fiberglass net reinforcing layers; filler layers that include the magnesium cement agent, perlite and wood chips; and an inner filler layer. The result is a product that resists impact damage, salt/brines, chlorine bleach, ammonia and related chemicals, moulds, fungus, termites and other organisms. As such, MgO is one of the most innovative, cost-effective and efficient materials on the market.
Sizes / Product Dimensions
MGO BOARD 1200mm x 2.700m
- Prefab Structures
- Cladding
- Flooring & Roofing
- Facia
Magnesium Oxide Board has a range of benefits when compared with more traditional products such as gypsum and fiber cement boards:
- Non-combustible (Class A1, 20Mpa)
- Breathable and porous for strong coating & adhesive bonding of finishing coatings
- Ideal for high-moisture areas, including laundry rooms, bathrooms and pool areas
- Excellent for acoustic dampening
- Environmentally friendly
- Stronger and more rigid than similar boards
- Extremely easy to work with using all types of hand tools, including stanley knives.